polpa di pomodoro passata e aggiunta di basilico

Basil sauce

Typical sauce of Italian cuisine prepared with tomato pulp and passata, obtained from carefully selected Italian tomatoes and with the addition of fresh Italian basil.

Polpa e passata di pomodoro, arricchita dalla dolcezza di carota e cipolla e dalle note speziate delle erbe aromatiche.

Carrot and onions sauce

Typical recipe prepared with tomato pulp and passata, obtained from carefully selected Italian tomatoes, and enriched by the sweetness of carrot and onion and the aromatic notes of herbs.

polpa e passata di pomodoro con peperoncino piccante

Hot pepper sauce

Typical sauce of Italian cuisine prepared with tomato pulp and passata, obtained from carefully selected Italian tomatoes and with the addition of fresh Italian hot pepper.

sugo con pomodori italiani e melanzane fritte

Norma Tomato Sauce

Typical sauce of Italian cuisine prepared with selected Italian tomatoes and enriched by the sweetness of fried eggplants. 

Passata e polpa di pomodoro con olive e capperi

Olives and capers sauce

Mediterranean recipe prepared with tomato pulp and passata, obtained from carefully selected Italian tomatoes, enriched by the delicacy of the olives and the flavour of the capers.

passata e polpa di pomodoro con origano

Oregano sauce

Typical sauce of Italian cuisine where the flavour oh tomato pulp and passata, obtained from carefully selected Italian tomatoes, meets the sweetness of fried onion and aromatic notes of oregano.

Polpa e passata di pomodoro arricchite con verdure ideali per condire la vostra pizza o pasta.

Pizza sauce

The tomato pulp and passata used for this recipe, obtained by selected Italian tomatoes and enrich with vegetables, can be ideal for your pizza or pasta.

la dolcezza dei pomodori italiani incontra il sapore dei formaggi, la delicatezza della pannate e le note aromatiche della vodka.

Vodka Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce where the sweetness of Italian tomatoes meets the flavour of cheeses, the delicacy of milk cream and the aromatic notes of vodka.